Citic Port is a concept project established by Citic Group, located in Guangzhou BaiYun Airport. With a new name: CITICPORT, the concept is to create a place, an area, a location where everyone in there can obtain a personalized experience.

Citic Group wants to have a new brand identity of creating a personalized experience. My role in this project was a design lead and collaborated with an art director at 2x4, I took charge of the concepet development, design, and puducing. In this design I implemented the concept of creating a personalized experience through a modern, clean visual system. The whole project took about 1 year to finish.

The Visual System includes a color palette, logo, layout system, and icons. And the system applied to different brand material, including coffee cups, store cards, brochure, tape, pins, tote bags, t-shirts, signage and wayfinding system.

The Led light boxes using in space
Wayfing system & signage

Want to see more? Please have a small trip to Guang Zhou Bai Yun Airpot. ︎_︎